Team Building in Sierra de Collserola

Collserola Park is not only a wonderful oasis of nature in the city of Barcelona, it is also one of the largest metropolitan parks in the world.

If you are looking for tranquility on the outskirts of Barcelona, the Sierra de Collserola is an ideal place for team building activities in the nature. In the park you can find numerous hiking trails in its more than 8,000 hectares.

Outdoor activities in Sierra de Collserola

Team Building Multiadventures in Saw of Collserola

A place as lively as the Sierra de Collserola offers numerous possibilities to enjoy nature: hiking trails, mountain biking, abseiling… An endless number of activities with which you and your team will take advantage of the magic of such a lively place.

Team Building reforestation in Sierra de Collserola

Live a CSR experience that connects you to the earth. Reforestation for companies allows you to work on certain key points of the team building while collaborating in the repopulation of affected areas or with a possible risk of desertification and landslides.

Team Building Tai Chi in Sierra de Collserola

Recharge the batteries of your team with a session of Tai Chi for companies in a place as incredible as the Sierra de Collserola. Nature and its views will be the best allies in this experience as relaxing as it is full of positive energy.

Team Building Street Art Experience
The spray forms a part of your art. Create outlines. Fill them with your essence. You and your teammates reinvent […]
Team Building Adventure Challenge
Rocks, mountains, canyons, 4×4, bow and arrows… Face the great Adventure Challenge. Skill, orientation, boldness, curiosity, achievement, fun and games. […]
Team Building Mind Games
Team spirit is born in your mind. The games strengthen, connect and reinforce it. A group coscience arises, you join […]
Team Building Blank Canvas
Bring color to your life. Show your perspective. Add your personal touch. Find your muse here. It is your turn. […]
Team Building Reforestation
Hold the sand in your hands. Feel the connection to the earth. An experience that engages you with the environment, […]
Team Building Indoor Reforestation
Feel the soil on your hands. It takes you back to the roots. Connect with nature, protect it, help it […]
Team Building Rock Climbing
“If everything indicates that you can not pass by a place, it is necessary to pass. This is exactly what […]
Team Building Explora Tour
Unknown paths that lead you into spectacular sceneries. Mountain roads, forest routes and cobbled streets in the hidden white villages. […]
No rush. No schedules. No worries. The breeze and the sun take you on a journey of calm and tranquillity. […]
Team Building Mountain Bike
Hidden paradises. Places full of charm. Incomparable routes in which you set the rhythm. In our Mountain Bike routes, admiration […]

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