Team Building in Cordoba

Cordoba. A place full of history. Capital of the Hispania Ulterior during the Roman Empire. Capital of the Umayyad Caliphate. A hypnotic destination that exhibits the splendor of its legacy and aims to the future.

The Historic Centre of Cordoba, declared a World Heritage Centre by UNESCO, is a place to dream, to imagine, to return to the past and to discover famous figures of knowledge, arts or letters, among others.

The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, the Jewish Quarter and the synagogue, the Roman Bridge, the Alcazar of the Christian Kings and the Royal Stables or the caliphal baths, among others, are some of the places that enhance even more the team building experiences in Cordoba, gymkhanas for companies, tapas routes and other activities for corporate events in Cordoba.

Outdoor activities for companies in Cordoba

Enigma ipad: an original team building in Cordoba

The narrow streets of Cordoba’s Old Town. Its squares. Its monuments. Its legends, mysteries. Its history. A game board in the form of a gymkhana that will challenge you at every step through fun and original challenges, an experience that will test your ingenuity, your ability, your ability to communicate and work as a team. A team building in Cordoba that will allow you to discover the destination.

Tapas route in Cordoba: a gourmet experience

Much more than a tapas route for companies in Cordoba. It is an authentic Gourmet experience in which tradition and innovation are combined, history and gastronomy, destination and fun. Solve the enigmas, overcome challenges, discover flavors, textures and aromas. The destination through the senses in a Gourmet iPad Experience in Cordoba.

Five senses of wine: in the wineries of Cordoba

The famous Cordovan wine, the hallmark of this region, is the thread of an intense and fun experience. A team building event in Cordoba between vines and barrels. An activity in which you will have to put your five senses at the service of the team. Painting, percussion, tasting, design, elaboration… A challenge awaits you in the Five Senses of Wine in Cordoba.

Indoor activities for companies in Cordoba

Flamenco show: duende español

An amazing show that turns your meeting, congress or lunch into a different experience. Three professional dancers. Changes of costumes. Very different styles that mix and merge to involve you and your group in a fantastic experience. One of the wonderful Cordoba patios, the restaurant, the hotel… Any stage is transformed to the great beat of these artists in the Flamenco Show.

Flamenco percussion: team building rhythms

The rhythm connects. The compass is contagious. Flamenco percussion offers you a fun team building activity in Cordoba that adapts to any space. A team building experience that reinforces you as a team and, at the same time, teaches you some of the flamenco roots through instruments such as cajones, cañas, castañuelas or bastones.

Team Building Beach Volleyball
Your partner serves; you jump high in the air and prepare the final shot. The glory awaits for you. Across […]
Team Building no one escapes from Barcelona
You’re facing a mission that no one has been able to accomplish yet. A live escape game in Barcelona that will […]
Team Building Mind Games
Team spirit is born in your mind. The games strengthen, connect and reinforce it. A group coscience arises, you join […]
Team Building Gourmet Ipad Experience
In this gastronomic event you will get to know the flavours of the destination through a tour of the most […]
Team Building Blank Canvas
Bring color to your life. Show your perspective. Add your personal touch. Find your muse here. It is your turn. […]
Team Building Tapas Chef
Your hands create your destiny. Ingredient after ingredient, recipe after recipe. A competition that dresses your senses. An experience that […]
Team Building Reforestation
Hold the sand in your hands. Feel the connection to the earth. An experience that engages you with the environment, […]
Olympic Games: Sports Team Building
It’s not just a jump. It’s quite a challenge. It’s not just a goal. It’s the culmination of teamwork. It’s […]
Team Building Indoor Reforestation
Feel the soil on your hands. It takes you back to the roots. Connect with nature, protect it, help it […]
Corporate events with Flamenco
A gymkhana about flamenco. A musical team building for companies with a lot of duende. A route through unique tablaos. […]

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