Team Building Indoor Reforestation

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  • DurationDuration: Entre 1 y 2 hours
  • Size of groupSize of group: For groups between 20 and 1000 people.
  • Physical demandPhysical demand: Low.

Feel the soil on your hands. It takes you back to the roots. Connect with nature, protect it, help it grow. Share the excitement of life. And all this without having to change the location.

Indoor Reforestation is an activity with a clear commitment to CSR that makes you a participant in a system of alternative cultivation, innovative, based on a philosophy of oriental life, which helps revive vegetation in natural areas.

An instructive, responsible and fun activity that enables you to start giving back, what Earth gives us.

Indoor Reforestation is a sustainable event marked with a CSR character. A sustainable event in which you will learn and practice alternative cultivation techniques from oriental countries, that naturally facilitate the repopulation of forest areas.

The method involves forming balls of clay with indigenous seeds which are planted in the chosen area for reforestation. This technique protects the environment and replaces tasks such as plowing, fertilizing, using herbicides and pesticides or pruning.

This activity can be carried out indoor as well as outdoor. In any case, there is no need to switch locations in our reforestation event for companies and can be conducted independent of the weather conditions.

For groups of 20 - 1000 people.
Entre 1 y 2 hours. Remember that the duration of the activities is indicative, since we adapt to the needs, size and characteristics of the group.
Entorno del Penedés
Pueblos blancos del interior
Sancti Petri
Entorno de Sierra de las Nieves
Jerez de la Frontera
Costa del Sol
Sierra Nevada
Punta Umbría
Sierra del Collserola

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